Top Tips. Summer Edition.

  1. Water

You will want to hand water in addition to your irrigation during these hot summer months. Early morning is best and leave a hose on a slow drip for key trees.

2. Fertilize.

Fertilize every three weeks all summer long, particularly your fruit trees and roses. Our plants need food to make it through the heat. A water soluble is probably best during the summer.

3. Mulch. Mulch. Mulch.

There is no time your garden needs mulch more than during the summer. Weeds love to grow during the summer and mulch can help. It will also keep your soil cooler and help keep moisture in your soil. Probably the best investment you can make this summer.

4. Pest Prevention

There are lots of pest in the garden over the summer. You will want to deadhead and prune anything looking eaten or ill and then spray with something organic such as OrthoBugBGone. A good spray wash while you are watering can also keep pests from making homes in your garden.


Summer Reading. Review: The Kinfolk Garden